The D Word
(c) Shubhrata Prakash |
hell and back is a long way – to go and live to tell the tale.
is exactly what Depression feels like. Like falling down a black hell hole.
Like the rabbit hole in ‘Alice in Wonderland’: nothing is what it seems to be,
nothing is what it was.
Depression, I mean Major Depression, or Major Depressive Disorder, as it is
technically called. And to set the record straight, Depression is NOT sadness.
Major Depressive Disorder, or MDD, is a mood disorder, a mental illness. It is
accompanied by changes in brain structure and chemistry. Low moods or sadness
is just one of its many manifestations. MDD has physical symptoms as well as
psychological symptoms. There is no catastrophic life event that brings on MDD.
can happen to ANYBODY!
I was felled by Depression, I had no clue what it was all about. When I was
floundering through the mental and physical swamps and sinkholes that
Depression brought to my life, I tried desperately to understand what this
illness is, how I could help myself fight it and how I could get to the other
side. I looked around me for stories of people who had made it through and how
they had done it. I did come across many success stories, but not one of them
the fact that one out of every ten persons in the world suffers from a
depressive episode some time in their lives, this should have been surprising.
But, then, it was not. Actually, it would have been a wonder if I had found
one, for we don’t talk about the ‘D’- word, even if we suffer from it. There is
much of social stigma attached to the ‘D’ – word. And that’s a double whammy –
first, surviving the illness, and then, surviving the social stigma.
is when I decided that the ‘D’ needs to be brought out into the open – we need
to talk about it. We need to fight the social stigma, and that can happen only
when there is more awareness about it. People like me, who struggle with
Depression for years and years, should have more access to information and
knowledge about their condition. They need to know that it’s ok to be afflicted
with a mental illness, which is not in their hands, much like any physical
illness. The why’s and how’s of getting MDD do not matter. What matters is how
to manage the condition and how to get better.
have been to hell, and back – such a long journey. And I have lived to tell the
help me get the word on ‘The D Word’ out there. People who suffer from
Depression and their families, as well as society in general, would benefit
tremendously, if we opened up about – ‘The D Word’.